If you need help recovering from an injury, support for women’s health or fertility, want to move more freely,
Or just want to feel or sleep better, we can help. If you want to go about your daily activities without pain,
You can benefit from acupuncture. Struggling with hormonal issues or allergies? Try acupuncture and nutritional counseling!
Both our amazing practitioners have personally experienced the power of acupuncture to fix issues such as shoulder injury, chronic headaches, digestive issues and mood that Western medicine couldn’t.
Acupuncture is a holistic system of health and healing based on harmony and balance. Bring health and harmony into your everyday life
In our clinic, we will blend a personalized treatment program that supports and empowers you on your healing path. Each practitioner brings dedication, patience and compassion to their work. At New Life Acu Care, Our Practitioners will develop a treatment that is unique to your needs.
The treatment we provide is for you to Restoring the harmony and balance in your body will allow the body to repair itself, bringing relief from your condition and symptoms.We believe in curing the root cause of the disease or condition, while treating your symptoms.
Everything we do at New Life Acu Care is designed to enhance well-being by releasing the body’s own extraordinary healing potential.
We will help you move beyond your present health limits. You can experience a renewed vitality, awareness and harmony in life. We can help you connect to yourself — refreshed, undistracted.